Matthew Belanger

Software Engineer


Who am I?

I am a Driven Software Engineer with an Extensive Industrial Background in C++20/23

Click on me to the left to contact me right now or click below to learn more!

Discord Bot Server

A server/client program used to upload a discord bot to a dedicated machine on the same network to host the bot remotely

Graph Builder

A drawing tool developed in Java Swing that allows the user to create, modify, save and load mathematical graphs with an intuitive GUI interface

Custom Compiler

This program translates programs from the Tiny language (which you can learn more about from the ReadMe) to Java. It uses JavaCup and Flex to program the logic and lexically analyze the Tiny program and outputs equivalent Java code that can be complied immediately.

Spotify Desktop Extension for Java

A Spotify extension written in Java that allows the user to quickly add songs to their active queue and search and play songs instantly across their devices

I want to join your team!


I am an adaptable worker who is always willing to learn more and I want to bring my talents to your company